Mother's Day Book Fails

Tuesday, May 16, 2017 No comments
Last week was a busy one! We had Grandparent's Week (that's right, WEEK), and then it was Mother's Day on Sunday. After doing a LOT for grandparents, I decided it would be best to just do an easy activity for Mother's Day. I headed over to TPT, my favorite place in the world, and came across a Mother's Day book by Deanna Jump (check her out!) and decided to print out 19 of the pages for each kid, and they could decide which ones they wanted to do and then make into a book for their mothers. Most of it went well, but there were some "fails" as well.

First off, can we address how many students thought their moms would like it if they acknowledged their favorite drink was alcohol?  I had so many students write their mother's favorite drink was beer, wine, etc., that we had to get together and brainstorm different ideas.  It was one of those times where I was dying of laughter on the inside, and barely keeping it together on the outside!  ðŸ˜ƒðŸ˜ƒ

I'm guessing this came from a mom that has a tough job and is always tired.  Hot dogs, wine, and Netflix?  Sign me up!

I guess the creator of this product thought it would be funny to have kids guess how much their mom weighs, but one of my 2nd-graders outsmarted her! She knows better!

Last but not least is my favorite one. THIS must be a fun household to be a part of!

My First Math Pentathlon National Championships

Tuesday, May 9, 2017 No comments
Being one of the coaches that runs the 2nd-grade division of my school's Math Pentathlon club,  I was able to go to the national competition over the weekend with about 15 of our student members.  It was a bit of a drive all the way to the western Indianapolis suburbs, but it was well worth it, as our little mathletes had fun while putting their skills to use.

Myself and the other 2nd-grade coach met early in the morning to get to Indianapolis in time to see our little guys play their hearts out.  There, we met the school leader of the club (who runs the older student leagues) and our building principal.  What a great way to show support for her students!  While we were there, we were on the floor, (silently) cheering on our kids.  If you've never been there before, it's a VERY large competition with around 500 kids, and you can't really do the screaming for your students when they make a killer move that you would like to.  Here's a panoramic look at the competition: 

I also want to note that this is only one of the gyms completely filled with competitors.  There was another one running just as many (if not more) games at the same time.  At the end of the competition, each student is given an award, whether it is for participating, or if it is for recording a win in all 5 games.  Overall, this was a wonderful experience for our kids to take place in and I highly recommend Math Pentathalon to anyone and everyone looking for an activity for their kids or their school that isn't math-related.